martes, 2 de agosto de 2011


Al día siguiente, volviendo hacia Ancona, nos desviamos hacia Maranello, la casa de Ferrari, visite el museo (pequeño para lo que es la historia del Caballo Rampante) y me di el lujo de ser copiloto de la F-California. Se preguntaran por qué no fui piloto, simplemente por no haber sacado la licencia de conducir, todavía me muerdo los labios de la bronca.

2 comentarios:

  1. Look what I've found on my homepage :) Nice blog, I've been trying to keep up with mine, but school usually sucks the life out of me ):

    I don't know if you updated the blog all at once or if you just took off the date signs, so I don't know if you're or not on vacation right now or if this is an old post ): Anyways, you do like you some snow, that much I can tell :)


  2. ahha this are old post, i had them written in the computer, but i was so lazy that it took me like 4 months more to update them haha

    i did this trip in the last argentinan summer :)
